EP Association launches Strategy to share a future vision for the Equator Principles

20 October, 2020 EP News

20 October 2020 

Today, the Equator Principles Association (EPA) launches its first ever Strategy. This high-level statement sets out the direction of travel for the Association over the next few years and demonstrates the collective willingness of the EPA to continually improve.

The Strategy, which has been endorsed by the EPA membership, will guide the program of work and enable members and wider stakeholders to have a clear understanding of where the EPA is headed and, as such, where it will focus its attention and resources. It is aspirational and ambitious and, most importantly, will be supported each year by tangible actions.

As the EPA meets today for its virtual AGM, discussion will focus on how it can continue to build on its strengths, reflected in the growing membership, and best deliver on the far-reaching program of work the Strategy envisions.

Amit Puri, EP Association Chair, and Global Head of Environmental and Social Risk Management, Standard Chartered:

“I’m delighted to be announcing the EPA’s first ever Strategy.  Agreed and supported by our diverse and growing membership, it sets out the path the Association will take over the next few years. By working towards common goals, by increasing transparency, and by supporting our members with the tools and resources they need, I’m confident the EPA will go from strength to strength and deliver on its Strategy.”  

The Equator Principles Association Strategy

We, the Equator Principles Financial Institutions, believe that the financial sector has a critical role and responsibility in tackling the environmental and social challenges facing the world today.  We have adopted the Equator Principles to have a positive impact on the projects we finance.

Our ambition is for the Equator Principles Association to grow and evolve such that one day all projects globally are financed sustainably under this framework.

As the world around us changes we recognise we must keep pace.  We will actively strengthen our network through partnerships and collaborations, as well as expanding our membership and encouraging participation from all stakeholders that support the financial services ecosystem.

Our community is open and diverse.

We recognise that the Principles can only be truly effective when they are consistently and robustly applied. Continuous training and development are key to maintaining standards and we will provide tools, materials and support to our members. We will enhance our reporting and disclosure requirements and strengthen our governance and accountability processes.

We must continue to work collaboratively and dynamically to manage impacts to climate, people and biodiversity.

Our vision is clear: The Equator Principles must be the authoritative environmental and social risk management framework across the financial services industry.


EPA Primary Contact: Courtenay Smith

Email: secretariat@equator-principles.com
Telephone: +44 7764 435 921


Standard Chartered Primary Contact: Bart Nash

E-mail:  bart.nash@sc.com

Phone:+44 207 885 7598

Mobile:  +44 7789 397 457


Further information:

The Equator Principles (EPs) is a risk management framework, adopted by financial institutions, for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in projects. It is primarily intended to provide a minimum standard for due diligence and monitoring to support responsible risk decision-making. More information of the EPA can be found at https://equator-principles.com/

As at 20 October 2020, 111 financial institutions in 37 countries are members the EPA. The full list of members is available at https://equator-principles.com/members-reporting/

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