EP Association CEO begins role

22 May, 2023 EP News

22 May 2023

Today is an exciting day for the Equator Principles – Max Griffin officially begins his role as EP Association CEO.

‘I am really pleased to today welcome Max as the new, and first ever, CEO of the EP Association. Over the last few years, the Steering Committee have worked to develop and uplift the Association, and I am excited to see how under Max’s leadership we can partner together to accelerate this work. I am especially pleased that he kicks off his role just in time to mark the significant milestone of the 20th anniversary of the Equator Principles.’

Amit Puri, EP Association Chair and Global Head, Sustainable Finance, Standard Chartered

The EP Steering Committee congratulates Max on his new role and is excited to see where this next chapter in the development of the EP Association will take us. Max will be supported in his role by the Steering Committee and the Secretariat to deliver the objectives set each year by the Steering Committee on behalf of all EP financial institutions.

 Max Griffin, EP Association CEO:

“On my first day as CEO of the EP Association there are only two weeks to go until the 20th anniversary of the first Equator Principles. Their creation was the result of a lot of hard work by a bold and far-sighted group of E&S practitioners. Whilst we righty celebrate all that has been achieved over the last 20 years there is more hard work ahead. As an Association we need to continue to consolidate, adapt and innovate to ensure the EPs remain the gold standard for E&S risk management. The success of the EPs rests on how well they reduce negative E&S impacts in the real world and the extent of global finance flows that have the EPs applied to them. I am really looking forward to all the work ahead with the Chair, Steering Committee, Secretariat team and all EPFIs to further professionalise and prepare the EPs for the future. But briefly, on my first day, I am simply thrilled to accept the new role. Thank you.”



Courtenay Smith

Email: secretariat@equator-principles.com
Telephone: +44 7764 435 921


Further information:

The Equator Principles (EPs) is a risk management framework, adopted by financial institutions, for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in projects. It is primarily intended to provide a minimum standard for due diligence and monitoring to support responsible risk decision-making. More information of the EPA can be found at https://equator-principles.com/

As at 22 May 2023, 138 financial institutions in 38 countries are members of the EP Association. The full list of members is available at https://equator-principles.com/members-reporting/


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