20 years of Equator Principles

13 June, 2023 EP News

Tuesday 13 June

 Last week, 4 June, was the 20-year anniversary of the Equator Principles (EP). We were very pleased to mark this occasion with the release of an anniversary report summarising our achievements over the last 20 years.

At the time of our 10th anniversary in 2013, we had 78 members, and today we stand at 138 in 38 countries. In recent years we have seen particularly strong growth in Asia, and now in 2023 we see substantial and growing interest from financial institutions based on Latin America and the Middle East. This achievement is even more impressive against the background of the rapidly changing sustainable finance ecosystem and the emergence of many new standards and initiatives. EP remains a highly respected global network, market proven risk framework and well recognised brand.

A group of EPFIs from each of the regions met in London on Tuesday 6 June to celebrate our achievements as well as to consider the direction and priorities for the EPs as we move into our 21st year. We discussed the collective challenges faced by EPFIs, as well as thematic and contextual areas that may require further consideration to ensure that the EPs remain relevant, useful and the continuing ‘gold standard’ in E&S risk management. The world is rapidly changing, and all attendees recognised the ongoing need to keep pace in response.

The Steering Committee will now consider the topics discussed and turn these into a work plan for the rest of 2023 and into 2024/25, as well as plan the resources needed to deliver on these commitments

I am honoured to be EP Chair as we mark our 20th anniversary of the Equator Principles this week. It was great to celebrate with many colleagues that have contributed to the ongoing success and development of the EPs over the years and to thank them for their efforts. I’m excited about all the possibilities we discussed and look forward to sharing more at the AGM. 

Amit Puri, EP Chair


The short meetings last week in London clearly demonstrated the breadth and depth of challenges faced by EPFIs as they implement the EPs across global markets, sectors and geographies.  All our regions were represented and highlighted many commonalities and shared issues common to all FIs as they seek to assess and manage E&S risks in line with good international practice on projects they finance. The level of engagement and energy was particularly high which has been, and continues to be, a core strength and asset for the growing Association.  

Max Griffin, EP CEO



Courtenay Smith 

EP Secretariat Lead

+44 7764 435 921

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