
Where reference to the EP Association is made, this legal entity was dissolved in 2024. From 2024 this reference may be read as the collective group of Signatories to the Equator Principles.


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Please note that translations were carefully prepared to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the content, however, the Equator Principles does not accept any responsibility for omissions or discrepancies, and cannot guarantee that users will interpret the content as originally intended.

Guidance Note: On Biodiversity Data Sharing – For EPFI Clients

Guidance Note: On Biodiversity Data Sharing – For EPFI Clients

For EP4, a Guidance Note to support Clients’ understanding of the biodiversity reporting requirements (Principle 10 & Annex B of the EP).

Guidance Note: Evaluating Projects with Affected Indigenous Peoples

Guidance Note: Evaluating Projects with Affected Indigenous Peoples

For EP4, a Guidance Note to support EPFIs on the requirements for “Stakeholder Engagement” where projects may affect Indigenous Peoples communities (Principle 5).

Guidance Note: On Implementation of Human Rights Assessments under the Equator Principles

Guidance Note: On Implementation of Human Rights Assessments under the Equator Principles

For EP4, a Guidance Note to support the requirement that each Client is expected to conduct Human Rights due diligence in line with the UNGPs and to document that process in it’s Assessment Documentation (Principle 2).

Guidance Note: For Consultants on the Contents of a Report for an Independent ESDD Review

Guidance Note: For Consultants on the Contents of a Report for an Independent ESDD Review

For EP4, a Guidance Note for Consultants to support their engagement with EPFIs when undertaking a Review (Principle 7).

Guidance Note: For EPFIs on Incorporating Environmental & Social Considerations into Loan Documentation

Guidance Note: For EPFIs on Incorporating Environmental & Social Considerations into Loan Documentation

For EP4, a Guidance Note providing an overview of the EP and their applicability to certain financial transactions and services, along with template contractual provisions for EPFIs to refer to in connection with (and adapt for use in) financing agreements.

Guidance Note: On Implementation of the Equator Principles during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Guidance Note: On Implementation of the Equator Principles during the Covid-19 Pandemic

For EP4, guidance to support EPFIs, Consultants and Clients to implement the EP through the challenging circumstances presented by the global pandemic.

Equator Principles Endorsed External Guidance: Good Practice Note for Environmental & Social Agents

Equator Principles Endorsed External Guidance: Good Practice Note for Environmental & Social Agents

External Guidance produced by the OECD. A Guidance Note providing an overview of good practice for banks, Export Credit Agencies or other entities acting in the role of Environmental and Social Agents on behalf of a Lenders’ Group.

Equator Principles – EPIII – June 2013

Equator Principles – EPIII – June 2013

The previous version of the Equator Principles, which continue to be applied to all transactions mandated under that version (prior to EP4).
