EP4 draft shared, stakeholder consultation begins

24 June, 2019 EP News

London, 24 June 2019

Following extensive internal review and consultation, as well as input from the initial round of public consultation, the draft text of Equator Principles 4 (EP4) is hereby released for consultation.

It is intended that this draft text be used as the basis for a formal round of public consultation, led on behalf of the EP Association by BSR.

The public consultation period is expected to run from now until mid-August.

The EPA is committed and open to all stakeholder views and would like to encourage all interested parties via the ‘SUBMIT FEEDBACK’ button on https://equator-principles.com/ep4/, where you will also find more information about the EP4 process.

Following the end of the consultation period, the EPA will consider the findings and make further changes to the proposed text, as agreed by the membership, before holding a final vote on the revised Principles.

DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION Equator Principles version 4 – June 2019

Summary of changes in draft of EP4 for consultation

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