Completion of external consultation on EP4 draft text

20 September, 2019 EP News

London, 20 September 2019

The recent external stakeholder consultation on the draft text of EP4 was conducted on behalf of the EPA by BSR. They have now completed the consultation process and their recommendations are with the Association for consideration as we look to finalise the text of EP4.

The draft text of EP4 was released on 24 June 2019 and stakeholder feedback closed on 23 August 2019 (deadline extended following stakeholder feedback).

During that time, BSR held 6 face-to-face meetings and 4 webinars with industry and non-industry stakeholders to solicit feedback on the detail of the draft text. Further feedback was also received via email or through the EP website. In summary:

  • 151 people across 90 organisations attended an event
  • 63 detailed written submissions representing the views of 251 organisations were received (some submissions were co-signed by multiple parties).

The EPA thanks all of those that took time to submit written feedback and/or attend an event. Your input is appreciated as we seek to update the text of EP4 before a final vote by members later this year. A report of the findings of the consultation process will be published once the EPA has agreed how to respond to the recommendations.

It remains the intention of the EPA to launch EP4 in Q4 2019. We will keep stakeholders updated with progress as we get closer to the launch.

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