Consultation on the draft of EP4: full report released

5 November, 2019 EP News

London, 05 November 2019

Earlier this year, BSR conducted external stakeholder consultations on behalf of the Equator Principles Association on the draft text of EP4. This consultation process involved 150 people attending a series of in-person and webinar events, as well as more than 60 written submissions.
Below is the full report produced by BSR, which details the results of the consultation process and provides recommendations to address the comments raised by stakeholders.
The Association wishes to thank again all stakeholders who participated in the consultation process and provided valuable feedback on the draft text,  which is being taken into consideration for the final version.
It remains the intention of the EPA to launch EP4 in Q4 2019. We will keep stakeholders updated with progress as we get closer to the launch.

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