Statement from the EP Association Steering Committee

19 May, 2017 EP News

18 May 2017

The Equator Principles (EPs) aim to be a global benchmark, providing a framework for due diligence to support responsible risk decision-making on environmental and social issues in financing projects.

Certain transactions have highlighted the challenges in the differentiated approach between Designated and non-Designated countries in the Equator Principles, an issue that was considered extensively during the EPIII update process, but one that remains challenging.

We are strengthened by engaging with the views of our members, and are listening and responding to their concerns raised around the distinction between Designated and non-Designated countries.

A working group is forming to ensure that the views of members operating in vastly different legislative contexts, with widely varied project portfolios, are taken into account when reviewing these options.

This working group will inform ongoing Steering Committee discussions on options, which will be presented at our upcoming Annual General Meeting.

The Steering Committee welcomes leadership and participation by all of its members in examining and enacting the best way forward.

The Equator Principles Association Steering Committee

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